MetaBone MAXScript Interface


MetaBone.disabled : boolean

Defines whether this MetaBone is active or not. You can use it to deactivate the deformation effect of this MetaBone without having to deactivate the global option in the BonesPro main rollout.

MetaBone.renderable : boolean

This determines whether the MetaBone is going to be visible in renders.

MetaBone.segments : integer

Defines the number of segments in the sphere. This has only visual relevance in the viewport, the actual deformation calculation always considers the exact shape depending on the length, width and height parameters.

MetaBone.length : float

Defines the length of the MetaBone in the scene.

MetaBone.width : float

Defines the width of the MetaBone in the scene.

MetaBone.height : float

Defines the height of the MetaBone in the scene.

MetaBone.direction : integer

Defines the direction in which the deformations are active.

MetaBone.blend : integer

Adjusts the amount of blending around the area of the mesh being deformed by the MetaBone.


<float> MetaBone.get_influence <bonespro> <vertex>

Retrieves the influence this MetaBone has on the given BonesPro modifier’s given vertex. Returns -1.0 if the data cannot be retieved (no valid BonesPro modifier given or the index is out of range).

<bool> MetaBone.set_influence <bonespro> <vertex> <value>

Modifies the influence this MetaBone has on the given BonesPro modifier’s given vertex. The valid range for value is 0.0 to 1.0. Values outside of this range will be clamped accordingly. Returns True on success, False if the value could not be adjusted (no valid BonesPro modifier given or the index is out of range).